Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Old and New Games Journalism

New Games Journalism - 'Bow, Nigger'

I found that the 'Bow, Nigger' article was very effective, it made me very interested in the game and after reading the article I am very interested in finding out more and even buying it. I did however feel that it didnt give enough information about the game, im not sure if it is only possible to duel or if there are other parts to the game.

The reason i think that i felt so interested in the game is because the writer gets you so involved in the events that hes taking part in. He gives the reader a lot of personal information to shw just how good the game is, for example he tells us how he never sweats playing games but he gets so involved with this one that he does "I felt a trickle of wet run down from under my right armpit". He also makes you feel like you should be on his side, jhe lets you know about how 'evil' his opponenet is and how his opponenet does not play by the rules "[The writer] played by the 'rules'"

The writer also get so immersed in the game that he lets you know how he insulted his opponent "socially retarded friend", "this wanker", both of these are very harsh things to say about someone that is just playing a game and i can see how some people would take offence by what is written in the article. However, i feel that withouth this it would be another boring article. The NGJ way of writing makes the article a lot more interesting and exciting to readin, emersing the reader in the game so they want to join in and buy the game themself.

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