Wednesday 21 November 2007

Educational games

The game is good at teaching about evolution although some of the game is not related, for example in part of the game you learn about aliens and what they would eat. These are fantasy animals and therefore are not educational because they are not real. It does however still make you think about what sort of animal eats what sort of prey, for example certain animals are not large enough to eat others and some very large animals still only eat small prey. The aliens however do make the game more interesting to small children and therefore keep them entertained and concentrating on the game.
There are parts of the education that can be skipped, for example the introduction can be skipped, this means that you miss out some important parts to the game. However if you have played the game before then it is good that you can skip this part. The main educational part however cannot be skipped, you must watch her explain about what to do and different animals. You must also move them in to certain categories that cannot be easily guessed without getting lots of them wrong.
This game is an intrinsic game because the player must learn about the narrative of the game, in this case the game is about evolution and the food chain. An extrinsic game is when it is not about the game narrative, an examaple of this is hangman, if the hangman word is geographical then the player still doesn't learn about geography but instead learns about english literature as they must learn about letters.

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